Apple iWatch 2014

Apple iWatch

Rumors about the iWatch have been circulating for years without a peep from Apple on the matter. The smart watch market isn’t as big as it could be and is very similar to the state of the tablet computer market before the iPad first launched. Apple is big on interoperability with its many products, so a watch that works with the iPad and iPhone seems completely logical, especially when you see Apple has recently won patents for curved batteries and curved screens.
Apple could use the iWatch to merge the Nike Fuelband and other fitness trackers into one that easily pairs with your phone, controlling it and receiving updates from it. With the launch of iBeacons, the iWatch could even be used as a beacon itself, or interact with existing ones. Even though Apple has failed to deliver on this product, 2014 may very well be the year, even if we’ve all been wrong on that one before.
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