After creating a boom in the market via Flipkart, Moto E has raised its market value in India. Now, the Samsung gets a chance to bang the market with its latest launch. The company had launched its latest smartphone few days back in the international market and announced that it will be making its track towards India pretty soon. Well, the company made its promise and launched the new Samsung Galaxy K Zoom in Indian market.
The smartphone is exclusively available on Amazon, as it made its track via the greatest online international shopping retail. Although, the smartphone is also available on Samsung's own website as well with a smart price tag of Rs 29,999. And, the most exciting news among all is that Amazon will start shipping this smartphone right from today onwards. The Marketing VP of Samsung India, Asim Warsi, said, "With the launch of Galaxy K zoom, Samsung brings consumers a unique combination of a stylish smartphone with advanced photography capabilities."
The Amazon has taken an appealing step towards the sale of Samsung Galaxy K Zoom. As, it is a newly launched smartphone, the online retail company is offering some special gifts worth Rs 6000. These gifts include a free Samsung Pop out case, a Sandisk 32GB microSD card, 6 free movie tickets, and above all a Rs 1000 value-off coupon, for watches and handbags each, available on the website. Well, the gift voucher of Rs 6000 will be applicable only for first 1000 buyers.
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy K Zoom:
By looking at the smartphone, anyone can judge that it is a more like a camera and less like a smartphone, or it be said as a camera cum smartphone. Galaxy k Zoom is featuring a 4.8 inch screen with a Hexacore processor (1.3GHz Quad-core and 1.7 dual core processor) and blessed with the latest Android Kitkat operating system. And, off course the 20.7 MP rear camera, which gives you a feel of owning a digital camera. It sports a CMOS camera sensor with 10x zoom and Xenon flash along with 2MP front facing camera. It also offers connectivity options of via Bluetooth, WI-Fi, 3G and GPS.
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