HTC launched the One M8 in India very recently, it came with a price tag of 50K+. The device did not prove to be the best seller in the market but it managed to make good sales and return some profit to the company. Ever since HTC launched the One M8, we were certain of a budget friendly brother of the M8 in the production. The device gave us some glimpse in the past showing off its plastic body and the single camera setup on the rear side.
The company has now launched the One E8 officially in India, it is launched for a price of Rs 34,900. The price definitely does not attract much as it ditches metal and Duo camera for plastic unibody design. It looks like with this smartphone HTC has played Apple, Apple launched the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c in a similar fashion and flopped very badly.
The metal iPhone 5 made great sales but iPhone 5c begged for attention. People even termed it as the worst iPhone ever. This philosophy may or may not work for HTC but if the device was priced under Rs 30,000 we would have been happy about it. On the spec front the HTC One E8 stands similar to its metal sibling, and varies mostly in terms of build quality and the Duo Camera setup.
Here are the specs of One E8
- 5-inch Full HD display
- 2.5GHz Snapdragon processor
- Android KitKat with HTC Sense 6.0
- Dual SIM
- 13-MP rear and 5-MP front facing camera
- Front facing Dual Speakers
- 2,600mAH battery
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